I feel sorry for people who don’t drink because when they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day. – Frank Sinatra
Or was it Dean Martin? Wait wait, no no it’s rumored WC Fields or maybe even Jack Lemmon lay claim to that quote. Alas, the world may never know. But what I do know is, after 5 days straight of bourbons, boozy happy hours and rough redeye mornings, my age is starting to show.
I’m by no means a lush, but as many of you know, some of the best deals and ideas are imagined over the swill of your favorite libation. And, I fear as I’ve gotten older, so too has the amount of aging with my single malts and the price tag associated with them. But isn’t that the point?
Taste refines over time. And that’s a good thing, no? Too often I hear from friends,
…I love your work, but I just got these free photos from some promotional shoot. No, they’re not as good as your photos, but I’ll squeeze as much usage out of them as I can before coming to you…
Trust me, I’m a huge fan of the happy hour, hole in the wall special of a well shot and Bud Light, but when it comes to your image, aren’t you worth more than that?
Take a minute and look over your bar tab at the end of the night. Are you taking down Bud Light after Bud Light, or sipping on a few top-shelf delights with the perfect bouquet, and sherry finish, lingering long after you’ve left the bar?
Stay classy dear friends and pour two fingers neat with Karjaka.