A brief note from the Editor... In my future, there is a Karjaka Column out there waiting for weekly publication. Who knows, maybe this will lead to it. In the meantime, I'll continue in first person prose. 😉 I'm sitting, or more like melting into my couch in...
Yearning for Design Kerning
Official printer for the Duke of Parma, Giambattista Bodoni (1740 - 1813) declared that well-designed type derived its beauty from four principles: Uniformity of design Sharpness and neatness Good taste And charm In his Manuale tipografico, published posthumously in...
Tony Bennett Has Butterflies and So Do I
My first thought when writing this post is, "Man I wish I had a photo to insert of Tony that I've taken." #bucketlist The guy is a small hero for me. The guy is 92 and still at it. On the road, in the booth, working with new artists. What really speaks to me is how...
Guitar Gothic
Sometimes it just hits you. I'm in the middle of a shoot last night with the fantastic Comedian, Writer, Guitarist, all around Artist, David Bowers, and we're trying a few looks, but nothing is coming. I'm not happy with the lighting, but even that's not what's on my...
The Masks We Wear
Halloween is around the corner and I'm seeing novelty and character masks in every Duane Reade/Walgreen's/Ricky's out here. Personally, I'm not one to try those on while waiting to buy some seltzer and a Reese's peanut butter cup at the Duane Reade across the street....
The Masks We Wear
Halloween is around the corner and I'm seeing novelty and character masks in every Duane Reade/Walgreen's/Ricky's out here. Personally, I'm not one to try those on while waiting to buy some seltzer and a Reese's peanut butter cup at the Duane Reade across the street....
The Imprint of the Print
Soooo I waited to write this post till today, and for good reason. I'm sitting in Hell's Kitchen wrapping up a meeting master printer, graphic designer, typeface and information layout specialist Matthew Maslanka of Maslanka Press. That beautiful Karjaka logo that you...
Curiously Cropping
"Fill the frame", he'd say in that Ukrainian accent of his. "Allllleks, look at this photo you took. The action, the story is over here, (pointing to the upper left hand corner of the photo) yet you chose to fill your frame with grass and nothing. Get in closer. Fill...
The Value of Your Website
Ok, so here's the rub... how do I cover this in three paragraphs and not overwhelm you or me by writing this. We've gotten quite a few questions about the new design and who did this dope work? The man of the hour is One Creative Tech, Mr. Jose Valenzuela. This got...
Pro Tips: Test Shoots And The ROI For Your Client
In the Karjaka household the motto was "Practice makes for improvement, not perfection." As artists or moreover, humans, we have a quest for perfection, secretly. I know I do. We search for the perfect brush stroke, financial portfolio, apartment setup, relationship,...