It's Sunday 9am and I'm headed up town to a see a mentor off the A line in The Heights. Finally a moment to read for 30 minutes. Studying on the train has become a mainstay for me here in NYC. Mostly entrepreneurship and business building books, every so often I bring...
Actress and Health Coach Lianna Nielsen The authentic You. I love my job. It's an obsession and a responsibility not to be trifled with. As a purveyor of Happiness, it's a serious business when it comes to one's coveted image. A photograph is not just an image, just...
Sins and Dead Bodies
With Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent upon us, it only seems befitting we talk about sins... sins of the photo studio. I'm definitely no saint or holy man for that matter, however photographers do have healing powers. The power to hide the sins. Sins of the Flesh....
Nose Deaf
Kaya Bryla-Weiss So it's 2019 and it's already happening. I see it everywhere. Do you see it? Maybe you've gone... Nose Deaf! It's a new year filled with possibilities and opportunities. The excitement builds for you to share on social media, emails, print ads and...
Yearning for Design Kerning
Official printer for the Duke of Parma, Giambattista Bodoni (1740 - 1813) declared that well-designed type derived its beauty from four principles: Uniformity of design Sharpness and neatness Good taste And charm In his Manuale tipografico, published posthumously in...
Tony Bennett Has Butterflies and So Do I
My first thought when writing this post is, "Man I wish I had a photo to insert of Tony that I've taken." #bucketlist The guy is a small hero for me. The guy is 92 and still at it. On the road, in the booth, working with new artists. What really speaks to me is how...
Guitar Gothic
Sometimes it just hits you. I'm in the middle of a shoot last night with the fantastic Comedian, Writer, Guitarist, all around Artist, David Bowers, and we're trying a few looks, but nothing is coming. I'm not happy with the lighting, but even that's not what's on my...
The Masks We Wear
Halloween is around the corner and I'm seeing novelty and character masks in every Duane Reade/Walgreen's/Ricky's out here. Personally, I'm not one to try those on while waiting to buy some seltzer and a Reese's peanut butter cup at the Duane Reade across the street....
The Masks We Wear
Halloween is around the corner and I'm seeing novelty and character masks in every Duane Reade/Walgreen's/Ricky's out here. Personally, I'm not one to try those on while waiting to buy some seltzer and a Reese's peanut butter cup at the Duane Reade across the street....