I'm 15 years old and marveling at the broguing on my new wingtips. As instructed, I went outside to scuff up the leather souls as to add traction and not fall on my face later that evening. As a young doubler in my teens, I was headed off to some sort of jazz gig. As...
The Best is Yet to Come
Emily Iaquinta My model gives me a blank stare as if it to say, "Is that it?" Mother gives me a glance, and by Mother and I mean Russ, my right hand man. He gingerly pulls me a side to talk technical, but what he really is saying as he whispers into my ear, "Maybe we...
The Response
Tony Arnold, Soprano Incongruity is underrated if you ask me. The bizarre, absurd, the playful. I love a photo, or any other art form for that matter, that makes me laugh, gasp, takes my breath away, that makes me weep. Photography is more than something pretty to...
Don’t Iron the Shirt
I know, controversial, right? But seriously, don't over think it. What's your day to day outfit of choice? Do you spend 30 mins (+) organizing your outfit, or do you roll out of bed and step into your casual uniform of jeans, t-shirt and comfortable shoes? Obsessed...
Talk Dirty to Me.
You know you want to. Tell me your secrets. Confess, you visual sinner, you! Reservation be damned. Be vulnerable and open up for once in your artistic life. Let your guard down. This is you, your image we're talking about after all. We're moments away from the...
The Horror
Sharon HarmsRie Ogura, Hair and Makeup. I just got off the phone with a potential producer/client who's about to drop $15k into a video campaign for web, social media, the works. Everything but primetime TV. I can hear you gasping over the internet...Really? $15,000...
Machiavelli Plants Flowers on the Moon.
We're going to the Moon." "Oh yeah? Cool. And pray tell how are we going to do that?""Well...$hit. No frills on this one. No distractions, pulled punches or fancy bells and whistles. Just prose. Let's face it, humans can be awful managers. There's just so much going...
Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Remember the words of Mrs. Baker my high school economics teacher, ... KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. Too often we run to the unlimited lunch buffet and grab everything our stomach desires. I’ll try this, and this, and this, and I must have that. And half way...
The Value of Fashion Week
What are my plans for Fashion week you say? Nothing. Kudos to those brave souls in the photo pits, struggling for the best angle with 30 other photographers, racing to process and sell the image to whatever new source will buy. Meanwhile, your favorite A-List...
Take Lunch on The Run.
Windows Please. Gesturing That four top in the middle would be great. Thanks! Creativity on the Go Change it up. To quote Paul Simon, "Hop on a bus, Gus and set yourself free." Break up the monotony of the routine and see life from a different perspective. Doesn't...