If you haven't figured it out, I'm genuinely interested in people. Portrait photographers by nature are makeshift anthropologists, psychologist, sociologist and various other "-gists" all wrapped into one. Me? I'm more interested in who someone is on a global level....
KARJAKA Magazine
Make a Scene.
He sat there grinning like the cat that ate the canary. Was it because he was wearing canary yellow pants? Possibly. A wave of happiness washed over him. He was living Art in real-time. An artist of disruption. Bathed in a sea of black winter coats on the...
Is it Happy Hour Yet?
I feel sorry for people who don't drink because when they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. - Frank Sinatra Or was it Dean Martin? Wait wait, no no it's rumored WC Fields or maybe even Jack Lemmon lay claim to that quote. Alas,...
Keep Your Eye on the Board.
They stood there like chess pieces across a crowded board. The board, the Queens bound R train. His back against the subway car doors, averting eye contact with his partner. Seated, she glared at him over a crowded subway car. The onlookers missing the pathos in...
The Horror
Sharon HarmsRie Ogura, Hair and Makeup. I just got off the phone with a potential producer/client who's about to drop $15k into a video campaign for web, social media, the works. Everything but primetime TV. I can hear you gasping over the internet...Really? $15,000...
Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Remember the words of Mrs. Baker my high school economics teacher, ... KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. Too often we run to the unlimited lunch buffet and grab everything our stomach desires. I’ll try this, and this, and this, and I must have that. And half way...
The Value of Fashion Week
What are my plans for Fashion week you say? Nothing. Kudos to those brave souls in the photo pits, struggling for the best angle with 30 other photographers, racing to process and sell the image to whatever new source will buy. Meanwhile, your favorite A-List...
Take Lunch on The Run.
Windows Please. Gesturing That four top in the middle would be great. Thanks! Creativity on the Go Change it up. To quote Paul Simon, "Hop on a bus, Gus and set yourself free." Break up the monotony of the routine and see life from a different perspective. Doesn't...
Grace Under Pressure
I'm standing outside of Saigon Market in Union Square waiting for the visionary that is Jeff Karly of Unique Expozzure to talk over his latest fashion line campaign, and I'm seeing it all. The world is passing me by, just outside Parsons and NYU, it's a small Mecca...
Coffee and Creatives
Or in other words, "What now my love?" Over coffee and shoptalk I commiserate with my crew. We run at breakneck speed, building our businesses. What's the newest strategy? Where are our blindspots. What worked, what didn't. Meanwhile with the market... Household...