Letter from the Editor A wise woman once said, "On the escalator of life there are those of us who stand and are pushed along, and then there are those who walk with the escalator. We Walk." Any New Yorker, or city dweller will attest, the right side of the escalator...
KARJAKA Magazine
Zoltar Speaks: We’re Coming Back, Baby.
Letter From the Editor I've always prided myself as a bit of a soothsayer, visionary, a creator of worlds for my community and clients. And with one of my worlds being dark at the moment, anything pertaining to in-person performing arts, I thought I'd ask the...
The Cover Edition
Letter from the Editor 2020 is Dead. Long Live 2021. Follow Confucius, slow down on Sisyphus. I've always had mixed feelings on New Years. On the one hand it's a day or two to reflect on the past year, and it's events and accomplishments, (although, with this past...
Newborns in the New Year
Letter from the Editor They Only Crawl Once... I am by no means a "newborn photographer", however I have photographed my fair share of toddlers, tots and tykes. A portrait is a portrait regardless of age, and what lights me up is capturing that innocence. Coming up on...
Why Isn’t This On My Wall?!
Letter From The Editor ...And now there's water on my floor. Four years later and my studio has never been the same. No one really prepares for a photoshoot. You have an idea, past experiences, but the day of the shoot in studio or on location can be generally......
The Print Edition
Letter from The Editor I was lucky enough to apprentice with the late great Chuck Bogana. Chuck being the last of a bygone era having done the final printing and retouching of legends Richard Avedon, Irving Penn and other masterful photographic Artists, was a master...
On The Road
Karjaka goes for a walk with the Feral Homeless, a Russian Oligarch, Koreans, Angry Couples, and Grand Central… Oh My! Letter from the Editor... It's been a minute. July is here and city/country life, is opening up. Still running around, grinding it out, I've been...
Sins of the Novel Marketer.
Letter From the Editor - Sins of the Novel Marketer Do you get it now? Are we all on the same page? The last few months have made it abundantly clear, you're in the Marketing run of your life. And I mean Run. I hate to say it, but this 24/7 frenzy of online media and...
Don’t Mistake this Moment for Mastery
Letter from the Editor I caught up with an old friend this week. It's been a year but it feels like yesterday since we last spoke. Midway through the conversation she says... did you know so and so is now a photographer? I chucked but she wasn't laughing. Ah yes,...
At Home and Open for Business.
Letter From the Editor Don't Crop The Craft I did it. I caved. I’m now teaching photography lessons via zoom, and instagram, and facebook, and everything else underneath the sun, and I have mixed feelings on it all. For the past 2 months I’ve been taking text...