Sixto Franco No this isn't a Cliff Notes version of Dostoyevsky's masterpiece. But the man did get it right. We're all gamblers at the slot machine of life. For some it's a career or business, maybe it's your family and children, personally it maybe that New Year's...
Getting to Know Your Photographer
The Response
Tony Arnold, Soprano Incongruity is underrated if you ask me. The bizarre, absurd, the playful. I love a photo, or any other art form for that matter, that makes me laugh, gasp, takes my breath away, that makes me weep. Photography is more than something pretty to...
Why So Serious?
I love a business lunch. I'll have a sidecar please. The waiter perplexed as to what a Sidecar is, let alone a thirty something ordering off the drink menu, shuffles off to consult the barman. Impressed, the 50 year old pro gives me a wink and a nod. It's going to be...
Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition
It's midway through the Spring semester, I'm sitting in my studio irritated. Surrounded in a sea of arial font type, neon yellow posted notes and red sharpie pens, I'm grading papers and questioning my own knowledge as I fact check copious generalizations being made...
Something to Smile About
If you haven't figured it out, I'm genuinely interested in people. Portrait photographers by nature are makeshift anthropologists, psychologist, sociologist and various other "-gists" all wrapped into one. Me? I'm more interested in who someone is on a global level....
Is it Happy Hour Yet?
I feel sorry for people who don't drink because when they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. - Frank Sinatra Or was it Dean Martin? Wait wait, no no it's rumored WC Fields or maybe even Jack Lemmon lay claim to that quote. Alas,...
Keep Your Eye on the Board.
They stood there like chess pieces across a crowded board. The board, the Queens bound R train. His back against the subway car doors, averting eye contact with his partner. Seated, she glared at him over a crowded subway car. The onlookers missing the pathos in...
The Horror
Sharon HarmsRie Ogura, Hair and Makeup. I just got off the phone with a potential producer/client who's about to drop $15k into a video campaign for web, social media, the works. Everything but primetime TV. I can hear you gasping over the internet...Really? $15,000...
Machiavelli Plants Flowers on the Moon.
We're going to the Moon." "Oh yeah? Cool. And pray tell how are we going to do that?""Well...$hit. No frills on this one. No distractions, pulled punches or fancy bells and whistles. Just prose. Let's face it, humans can be awful managers. There's just so much going...
Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Remember the words of Mrs. Baker my high school economics teacher, ... KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. Too often we run to the unlimited lunch buffet and grab everything our stomach desires. I’ll try this, and this, and this, and I must have that. And half way...