Emily Iaquinta My model gives me a blank stare as if it to say, "Is that it?" Mother gives me a glance, and by Mother and I mean Russ, my right hand man. He gingerly pulls me a side to talk technical, but what he really is saying as he whispers into my ear, "Maybe we...
Why So Serious?
I love a business lunch. I'll have a sidecar please. The waiter perplexed as to what a Sidecar is, let alone a thirty something ordering off the drink menu, shuffles off to consult the barman. Impressed, the 50 year old pro gives me a wink and a nod. It's going to be...
Don’t Iron the Shirt
I know, controversial, right? But seriously, don't over think it. What's your day to day outfit of choice? Do you spend 30 mins (+) organizing your outfit, or do you roll out of bed and step into your casual uniform of jeans, t-shirt and comfortable shoes? Obsessed...
Fast Fashion Art
If you read only one of my articles this year, this is the one. We all know fast fashion. Groups like Zara and H&M being the large purveyors meanwhile old establishments of "quality" like Macy's, Bloomingdales, Barney's (RIP) have been competing with this throw...
Something to Smile About
If you haven't figured it out, I'm genuinely interested in people. Portrait photographers by nature are makeshift anthropologists, psychologist, sociologist and various other "-gists" all wrapped into one. Me? I'm more interested in who someone is on a global level....
Make a Scene.
He sat there grinning like the cat that ate the canary. Was it because he was wearing canary yellow pants? Possibly. A wave of happiness washed over him. He was living Art in real-time. An artist of disruption. Bathed in a sea of black winter coats on the...
Is it Happy Hour Yet?
I feel sorry for people who don't drink because when they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. - Frank Sinatra Or was it Dean Martin? Wait wait, no no it's rumored WC Fields or maybe even Jack Lemmon lay claim to that quote. Alas,...
Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Remember the words of Mrs. Baker my high school economics teacher, ... KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. Too often we run to the unlimited lunch buffet and grab everything our stomach desires. I’ll try this, and this, and this, and I must have that. And half way...
The Value of Fashion Week
What are my plans for Fashion week you say? Nothing. Kudos to those brave souls in the photo pits, struggling for the best angle with 30 other photographers, racing to process and sell the image to whatever new source will buy. Meanwhile, your favorite A-List...
Grace Under Pressure
I'm standing outside of Saigon Market in Union Square waiting for the visionary that is Jeff Karly of Unique Expozzure to talk over his latest fashion line campaign, and I'm seeing it all. The world is passing me by, just outside Parsons and NYU, it's a small Mecca...