Letter From The Editor With the amount of Vitamin D I've consumed in the past year, I should have gotten stock for it. Prevention, pain relief, these are the basics tenets of any product out on the market. Not getting enough Sun? Go for a walk. Can't go out due to...
New York, I Love You
Avree Anderson Letter From The Editor She had had enough. "Pompous Ass!" echoed through the ornate Victorian in Oak Park. I was 7 years old and finally had pushed my Mother to the brink. Contemplating my latest interjection, I questioned whether I would see another...
The Print Edition
Letter from The Editor I was lucky enough to apprentice with the late great Chuck Bogana. Chuck being the last of a bygone era having done the final printing and retouching of legends Richard Avedon, Irving Penn and other masterful photographic Artists, was a master...
Sins of the Novel Marketer.
Letter From the Editor - Sins of the Novel Marketer Do you get it now? Are we all on the same page? The last few months have made it abundantly clear, you're in the Marketing run of your life. And I mean Run. I hate to say it, but this 24/7 frenzy of online media and...
Don’t Mistake this Moment for Mastery
Letter from the Editor I caught up with an old friend this week. It's been a year but it feels like yesterday since we last spoke. Midway through the conversation she says... did you know so and so is now a photographer? I chucked but she wasn't laughing. Ah yes,...
The Digital Producer with Josh Eisenman
Letter From the Editor “But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou her maid art far more fair than she.” Or in other...
The Artist’s Odyssey with David Bowers
Letter From the Editor I still think the Beatles were right, Love truly is all you need, especially right now. With stimulus packages being disbursed, unemployment on the rise and the like, it’s kind of hard not to have money on the brain. And now that we’re...
Digital Branding in Style with Jeff Karly.
Letter From the Editor With the Sun barely in the heavens and a fresh coat of deodorant applied, I wrapped myself in garb only to be proverbially burned once having returned to the homestead, and made my way to the Supermarket. At the ungodly hour of 7:30am...
Where The Action Is…
It's programmed into our DNA. The fight or flight mechanism. We hear a loud thunderous bang outdoors, the squeal of tire and break pressure, or a child's cry and we start running. Our minds tell us something is happening, something imminent in the moment is occurring....
Wingtips, Wooden Heels, & the Wardrobe
I'm 15 years old and marveling at the broguing on my new wingtips. As instructed, I went outside to scuff up the leather souls as to add traction and not fall on my face later that evening. As a young doubler in my teens, I was headed off to some sort of jazz gig. As...