I have a diner theory that apparently isn’t a new revelation for some of you. However for those who don’t know it or my take on it... the diner is the cosmic leveler of life. It doesn't matter who you are, or what diner you are at, there's always the gruff waitress...
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR So, it’s the end of May. Ideally we try to get these magazines out at the beginning of the month, but then life happens and you’re closer to Memorial Day than you are Mother’s Day. But all in all that seems appropriate for this month’s edition....
Facing a New Year
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR NEW Year, New You... BS It’s MY Photo and I’ll Smile if I want to. I’ve never been big on this whole reinvent yourself guru mantra that gets spread at the beginning of every new year. Maybe it’s because my birthday always looms a mere few weeks...
K+K Soho Style
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR On the Streets of any city there's a story to be told. But on the now bustling streets of NYC there's always something new to be said, no matter how old or how many times I've visited those paved pathways, they always lead to that next glorious...
"Taking America's Temperature one interview at a time." Letter from the Editor “Meet me by the fountain”, I said. He agrees, “Yes, we’ll go to that little French place”. It’s 1pm, harsh light in mid-town, he and his beret rush over. “Wait! Like this! Drop the purse,...
On The Road
Karjaka goes for a walk with the Feral Homeless, a Russian Oligarch, Koreans, Angry Couples, and Grand Central… Oh My! Letter from the Editor... It's been a minute. July is here and city/country life, is opening up. Still running around, grinding it out, I've been...
Home Sweet Home
It was 2010 when I left the Midwest and never looked back. Even before I started college back in 2003, I knew that New York would be home for me. I even wrote about it in my clarinet journals for school. Freelancing and building an empire in NYC, living the dream. And...
Blahniks and Lap Dances
It's Sunday 9am and I'm headed up town to a see a mentor off the A line in The Heights. Finally a moment to read for 30 minutes. Studying on the train has become a mainstay for me here in NYC. Mostly entrepreneurship and business building books, every so often I bring...
Curiously Cropping
"Fill the frame", he'd say in that Ukrainian accent of his. "Allllleks, look at this photo you took. The action, the story is over here, (pointing to the upper left hand corner of the photo) yet you chose to fill your frame with grass and nothing. Get in closer. Fill...
Feel the Frame Advance & Sound of the Shutter
My favorite feeling in the world is advancing a frame on my Nikon F. It's a manual advance and it sings to my heart each time I rip one over. The sound of the shutter opening is a close second. For me, on the other end of that frame advance is possibility. It's...