8 seconds and the Social Media Facelift

by | Sep 26, 2017 | 0 comments

Eight Seconds. 8 ″. That’s the attention span of the average human based on a 2015 study by Microsoft. Comparatively speaking we as evolving human beings are just short of the goldfish, at a nine second attention span. Let that sink in for a second. (John Stevens 2016 – AdWeek.)


So what does that mean for photography, marketing, social media and YOUR personal brand?  It means a hybrid of drip marketing. Drip marketing in the traditional sense is sending out automated scheduled pre-formulated messages to your market place via email blast, social media hub app and the like. While this gets us closer to our Rule of 7. , it does not build relationships within the world of social media.

We’re lucky if we get 8 seconds. In my personal experience, 8 seconds feels like an eternity for someone to actively engage an image I post. It’s so easy to scroll passively through, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn etc. and mindlessly absorb content. Where the rubber meets the road is a constant influx (drip) of new and old imagery. In talking and polling our vast array of clients here at the Studio, from artists to corporate gurus, we’ve whittled down a few of those practices.

5 Facelift practices to boost your social media presence.

Imagery becomes a form of engagement not just for your call to action, …purchase our product, invest in my brand, come to my event etc… but in addition builds an authentic relationship so that there’s no question in your client’s mind of being a part of whatever you’re offering. With Q4 just starting and the New Year on the horizon, it’s time to start planning your Interactive Drip Marketing Campaign. Here are a few steps in a very large conversation that you can take to boost your online presence through social media.

Post at least once a day on social media. By posting once a day, everywhere, you’ll start to stay in your audience’s feed more frequently. The more images you post, the better. (See Rule of 7 article above for more info). Don’t forget to respond to comments and engage your new followers. Set aside as little as 30 minutes a day for social media. That could be 5 mins here and there, or 30 minutes after your morning coffee or commute home. It sounds like a lot, but adds up quickly and after a while you’ll start to see more unique engagement as a result. Make a game out of it and have some fun!

Recycle. As you’re posting related content, don’t be squeamish about posting old content from 6 months ago and beyond. If you’ll notice, a lot of media groups post articles from 2-3 years ago because of their relevance today. I just read another Business Insider post from 2013 earlier this week. It’s another gentle reminder that you were there, or were ahead of the curve as an authority or just saying, “Hey, in case you missed this cool thing, check this out from a year ago.” Facebook does this for you in many cases, as well as  Timehop.

Integrate New. The flipside of recycling is to intersperse what’s currently going on. This may mean going and having new photos taken of your project, or of you and what you’re doing. AND/OR it can be as simple as documentation via your phone camera. The market is constantly looking for new content. So what if it’s not perfect? There’s something to speed trumping perfection, and if that means a behind the scenes photo off your phone to help grow and connect with your current market, then have at it. This also includes sharing other posts you think are relevant and cool. Yes, cool! Get the chatter going!

Website. There’s nothing worse than seeing a website that’s not up to date. Meaning, no new content in the last 3-6 months, poor user experience (UX), and lag time. I’m constantly updating my website with the latest upgrades from my WordPress platform, rotating out old images with new, pairing webpage down tabs, and adding new clients. (If you haven’t seen us in a while, check us out at https://www.karjaka.com/ ) While, I’m in the image making business, not all of us need to be routine about it. However, updating your website regularly is a slam dunk affording you more social media pull by showing off the update, new product, blogging, latest news of the business and bringing one step closer to your call to action.

Tell Us Why. Follow the old adage of “Content is King, but Context is King Kong.”  Your audience wants to hear about you and your professional opinion! What’s the story? Why share this? Enroll them into you and what you’re promoting. Why is this important to you, and why it should be to me audience member. Ask yourself why should your audience should care?

Most importantly, remember that nothing is set in stone. What works as one performance practice might not work for yours. Keep experimenting, refining and tweaking as you go along to create what works best for you, your brand and 8 seconds.

That’s about it for this post. As always, we’re here for your imagery and photographic needs.

***In need of getting in the studio to up your look and marketing game? Mention the word FACELIFT when you call, email, or visit our website and receive 15% off your next session with us at the Studio!***

As always, Happy Snapping!


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